A mother's daily life
Tips and tricks to help young moms
Baby's coming soon!
You’ve made the most of your pregnancy: maternity clothes, good and long nights of sleep, days just for you… It’s time to welcome your little angel you’ve waited so long for. Find our advice on preparing for childbirth.
Babies and Sleep
The baby’s sleep is an important concern for the mother because restless sleep promotes depression and anxiety for the mother. Every baby learns to sleep at his or her own pace, just as he or she will one day learn to walk. As a mother, your role will be only to help the baby, more tips on babyandkidsmagazine.com.
Enlighten and nurture your baby
Babies have great sensory skills from birth and they learn from all the micro-experiences with their parents. Waking up your child in the first months of life is not to be neglected, given the importance of the baby’s early awakening and development. To do this, remember to stimulate his or her vision, verbalize it, communicate with him/her and above all observe him/her to understand him/her, more parenting tips on annuaire-bebe.info.
Work and breastfeeding
Work and breastfeeding are not incompatible for mothers who wish to do so. They believe that the separation is less painful with the pleasure of “reunion” in the evening.
Feeding the baby
At a certain age of the baby, it is necessary to think about the dietary diversification that corresponds to the introduction of foods other than milk.
Educating your child well
Educating your child is not a simple task. There are good gestures, reflexes and attitudes to have in order to educate your child well and for your baby to learn to respect authority as early as possible. As a young mother, your toddler will be more accepting of the limits you give him when he understands that you, too, have obligations. It’s up to you to set an example. Don’t forget that every action you take is a message because he’s looking to you as a role model.

Family getaways
The arrival of a baby would disrupt your life as a couple whether you wanted it or not and it would be almost impossible for you to keep moving on weekends. Indeed, with your baby, your family getaways won’t be the same. Every trip requires a minimum of organization and anticipation so that you can make the most of these moments of leisure. With your baby, think of a destination not too far away, a programme without obligations and a well-organised changing bag.
Parents have very specific expectations regarding their baby-sitter who will be responsible for looking after the children in their absence. There are many reasons to call in a babysitter: a romantic getaway, regular help with bathing the little ones, picking up your children at school, during working hours, or during holidays. Or it is simply to have some free-time for yourself as a mother. After Baby arrives, you have to rethink yourself. Sport, morale, rhythm, hairdresser, make-up.. Give yourself a massage that is adapted to your skin, don’t neglect the details: hair removal, manicure, pedicure, make-up, eyelash extensions like those available at MISENCIL for instance, hair cut, brushing.. And why not treat yourself to a day of spa treatments as a birth gift, for example? You deserve it!